Dhaked Institute - FreeProjects1
Question Paper
Date: Time: 1:30 Hr
Q.1 What does HTML stand for?
- Hypertext Markup Language
- Hyperlink and Text Markup Language
- Hypertext Multi-Language
- Hyperlink Text Markup Language
Q.2 Which of the following is a CSS framework?
- JavaScript
- Bootstrap
- React
Q.3 What is the purpose of the
tag in HTML?
- To display images
- To create a block-level container
- To create a hyperlink
- To define a heading
Q.4 Which attribute is used to specify the destination of a link in an
anchor tag?
- src
- href
- link
- target
Q.5 In JavaScript, which of the following is used to declare a
variable with block scope?
- var
- let
- const
- Both b and c
Q.6 What is the purpose of the z-index property in CSS?
- To set the height of an element
- To control the stacking order of elements
- To set the width of an element
- To add margins to an element
Q.7 In which programming language is Node.js written?
- Python
- Ruby
- JavaScript
Q.8 Which of the following methods can be used to send data to a
server in a web application?
- All of the above
Q.9 Which HTML element is used to define an unordered list?
- <ol>
- <list>
- <ul>
- <li>
Q.10 What is the main function of a CSS reset?
- To apply styles to all elements
- To remove default browser styles
- To increase page load speed
- To enhance accessibility
Bholu Singh
Dhaked Institute - FreeProjects1
Answer Sheet
Date: Time: 1:30 Hr
Q.1 What does HTML stand for?
- Ans. Hypertext Markup Language
Q.2 Which of the following is a CSS framework?
- Ans. Bootstrap
Q.3 What is the purpose of the
tag in HTML?
- Ans. To create a block-level container
Q.4 Which attribute is used to specify the destination of a link in an
anchor tag?
- Ans. href
Q.5 In JavaScript, which of the following is used to declare a
variable with block scope?
- Ans. Both b and c (let and const)
Q.6 What is the purpose of the z-index property in CSS?
- Ans. To control the stacking order of elements
Q.7 In which programming language is Node.js written?
- Ans. JavaScript
Q.8 Which of the following methods can be used to send data to a
server in a web application?
- Ans. All of the above
Q.9 Which HTML element is used to define an unordered list?
- Ans. <ul>
Q.10 What is the main function of a CSS reset?
- Ans. To remove default browser styles
Bholu Singh